The article systematizes the main current regulatory documents regarding labor relations during the period of martial law in Ukraine, focusing on the relevant changes to the legal framework on personnel work at enterprises, taking into account the peculiarities and specifics of the organization of work in tourism firms, at enterprises of the hospitality industry. A number of project proposals regarding the improvement of personnel work at tourist enterprises and in hotel and restaurant business under martial law were considered. Relevant projects on the organization of labor relations on the territory of Ukraine are proposed, taking into account the different degree of provision of tourist infrastructure. The analysis of theoretical and methodological developments regarding the terminological base and essential characteristics of a number of definitions related to issues related to project works in the field of tourism and hotel and restaurant business and innovations is presented. Appropriate attention is paid to the disclosure of the essence of investment projects for tourist enterprises and establishments of the hotel and restaurant business. The purpose of the study is to develop proposals for the implementation of innovative design solutions in the field of labor relations in tourism and the hotel and restaurant business under martial law. Analytical, statistical methods, methods of comparison, etc., were used during the scientific research. The article proves that management at enterprises in the field of tourism and hotel and restaurant business should be aware of changes in the legislation of Ukraine related to the effect of martial law; comply with all requirements specified in the relevant regulatory and legal documents. At the same time, employees must also take into account certain restrictions in labor relations associated with the operation of martial law in the country. Considerable attention is paid in the article to the issue of informing employees about their rights and obligations related to changes in working conditions, in particular regarding vacations, wages, working hours and types of work. The article summarizes the arguments regarding the importance of the qualification level and direction of education of employees; professional development of both the company's management and staff. Attention was also focused on the need to monitor compliance with the requirements of Ukrainian labor legislation. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that project decisions in the field of labor relations in tourism and the hotel-restaurant business in the conditions of martial law can relate to both investments in the activity of the industry and individual business entities in the field of tourism and the hotel-restaurant business, and encouraging staff to develop and implement innovative projects. The results of the research can be useful for workers in the field of tourism, hotel and restaurant business, and the service sector in general; scientists, teachers, students of higher educational institutions who master, in particular, the specialties “Tourism”, “Hotel and restaurant business”.
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