Keywords: tourism, project, project management, innovation management, project management in tourism


In today’s conditions, questions regarding the determination of approaches, tools and sources of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine are gaining considerable relevance. The economic revitalization plan should become one of the largest projects of modernization of the domestic economy and reconstruction of destroyed infrastructure facilities, which involves attracting financial resources, substantiating the parameters of investment projects on the basis of modern trends in the development of the world economy. Taking into account the high level of globalization and the modern pace of development of the international economy, the task of Ukraine is to create favorable conditions for the development of relevant branches of the national economy, which could compete on the international market and take an active part in the international division of labor. Under such conditions, in addition to the agro-industrial complex, metallurgy, the processing industry and the IT sector, Ukraine has significant potential in the field of tourism. In today's conditions of globalization, innovations should be based on systematic research and timely development within the framework of responding to market signals based on an effectively organized process of formation and implementation of innovations. An important tool for this is project management, which is closely related to the concept of innovation management. Projects represent an organizational framework for the planned, systematic and methodical acquisition of certain knowledge, skills, ideas and results. In the context of tourism, a project can be understood as a system of clearly defined goals that are achieved with the help of special technical means and technological processes using financial, material, labor and other resources, as well as management decisions and organizational measures aimed at the creation and implementation of a tourist product. Project management involves the use of specific technologies for creating a tourist product. A tourist product as a commodity is characterized by consumer value, that is, usefulness or the ability to satisfy certain recreational needs of people. The usefulness of a tourist product is determined by its value for the subject. Therefore, representatives of the tourist business community should try to create a tourist product that would be valuable for the largest possible number of people, that is, it should have a mass consumer. Since the tourism industry is quite specific compared to other constituent elements of the national economy, the creation and implementation of projects in this area has certain features, taking into account the provisions of the management theory in tourism. It should be especially noted about the importance of scientific and methodological support of the project, namely, it should be carried out using the general theory of tourism with the involvement of scientific provisions of various disciplines. The article further developed the research on the peculiarities of innovative and project management in the field of tourism, namely, summarized the requirements for scientific and methodological support of planning from the standpoint of management theory in tourism.


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How to Cite
Nestoryshen, I. (2023). INNOVATIVE AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1 (7), 21-26.