Keywords: Tourism, tourist regions, recreational resources, zoning, tourist, services, tourist potential


The article analyzes the international experience of the development of tourist regions. It was established that the division into tourist regions should give the most comprehensive picture of the territory, as it is intended for many consumers with different needs. It was determined that the division into tourist regions, taking into account its specialization in a specific socio-economic activity, belongs to sectoral zoning. It should be interpreted as a tool for researching the territorial organization of tourism and as a reflection of a certain stage of the territorial development of tourism. It has been proven that, according to the estimates of experts of the World Bank Institute, in terms of sales volume, tourism today ranks second in the world economy after mechanical engineering, and among other branches of the service sector, it occupies a leading place. Tourism is based on the mutual use of the potential of the territory and production factors of various industries, generating an interesting product based on a combination of goods, services and impressions. The importance and necessity of the development of tourist regions has been studied. The article analyzes the key trends in the development of international tourism based on the rates of growth of tourist revenues according to the UNWTO version. The experience of developing tourist regions of countries that are most similar to Ukraine in terms of access to recreational resources is analyzed. It has been proven that Bulgaria is a vivid example of successful tourism development in the Black Sea region. As a result of the study, it was established that the experience of Bulgaria in the formation and development of tourist regions is extremely informative for Ukraine in the context of the development of Ukrainian tourism. the analysis of the international experience of the development of tourist regions shows the dynamism and high level of development of the industry. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the international development of tourist regions is ensured primarily by the application of the concept of sustainable development of tourism, which is based on the rational use of natural resources, their renewability and, thanks to this, the possibility of long-term use.


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How to Cite
Bondarenko, L. (2023). INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURIST REGIONS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1 (7), 15-20.