• Zoia Bondarchuk Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Yuliia Kurylenko Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Halyna Andronovych Cherkasy State Technological University
Keywords: functional drinks, biologically active substances, extract, common balm, rosemary, chokeberry (aronia)


A wide range of functional drinks is provided by the content of various ingredients that have a positive effect on the human body. The preventive effect of functional drinks provides an opportunity to increase the positive effect on increasing physical endurance, and immunity, regulating a stable psycho-emotional state of a person, improving metabolism with a further positive effect on the digestive function and increasing appetite, a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system and ensuring the normalization of energy metabolism in the body. Considering the current problems of the functional drinks industry, it is very important to constantly increase the range of production of these products, and those enriched with biologically active substances. The main goal of the research is the scientific justification of the use of plant raw materials as a complex of biologically active substances in the technology of functional drinks. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research consists of the theories, concepts and ideas of domestic and foreign scientists. The article examines the optimal parameters for extracting biologically active substances from plant raw materials, namely from common balm and rosemary. An organoleptic analysis of the extracts of these plant components was carried out. To balance biologically active substances and increase the content of vitamins, functional drinks were additionally enriched with the juice of wild berries, which are valuable carriers of vitamins and biologically active substances. Black chokeberry (aronia) was used from the wild berries of the Cherkasy region. A comparative biochemical characterization of black chokeberry (aronia), currant and rowanberry was carried out. We developed the technology of functional drinks enriched with biologically active substances Based on the obtained data. The optimal ratio of ingredients was adopted based on the results of organoleptic evaluation. The results of the conducted research allow us to draw a conclusion about the possibility and expediency of using plant extracts of common balm, rosemary and the juice of wild plants, namely black chokeberry in the technology of functional drinks.


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How to Cite
Bondarchuk, Z., Kurylenko, Y., & Andronovych, H. (2022). USE OF PLANT RAW MATERIALS AS A COMPLEX OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES FOR FUNCTIONAL BEVERAGES. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (2 (6), 38-43.