The purpose of the article is to analyze approaches to the classification of hotel chains that exist on the domestic and international markets. The definition of the concept of “hotel chain” by various well-known scientists is given. All these definitions are similar to each other, but some of them differ in certain aspects. It is analyzed which aspects are common in these definitions and which are the key ones, based on this, the main features (criteria) and elements characterizing hotel chains are systematized. Particular attention is paid to those authors who have developed the most complete description of this issue. The publication lists the goals set by hotel chains. Factors affecting the state and development of hotel chains were divided into two groups and characteristics were provided for each group. The indicators of the macro- and microenvironment of the enterprise, which relate to its economic environment, are systematized. In turn, the economic environment was also divided into two separate categories: macro- and micro-environment. The factors of direct and indirect action affecting the hotel enterprise are determined. The main trends in the development of hotel chains are detailed. The concept of “contract” is defined. The types of contracts that are constantly used in modern life are systematized. The publication provides brief historical information about how contract management of hotel chains in the world arose. The development of the contractual form of management contributed to the increase in the efficiency of hotel management, as well as the influx of investments into the hotel industry from other spheres of activity - banks, insurance companies, etc. The main conditions that must be observed when concluding a contract have been analyzed. The main 5 stages of concluding a contract in the hotel business are defined. Contract management is the most efficient and effective type of management for hotel chains, among all others that can exist. Management of a hotel network under a contract has both its advantages and disadvantages, which managers of hotel enterprises should keep in mind. Methods of statistical analysis, methods of formalization, descriptive, analytical and synthetic methods became the methodological toolkit of the conducted research. The object of the study was the analysis of theoretical and methodological principles of contract management of hotel chains in Ukraine and in the world.
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