Keywords: tourist destination, model, strategic goals, operational goals, tasks


Every day Vinnytsia tourism is gaining momentum with regard to the further development of its potential in this area of activity, which makes it possible to generate significant interest in the city from both domestic and foreign tourists in the future. The article proposes a model of strategic development of Vinnytsia as a tourist destination. The model was developed taking into account the needs of the territorial community of the city. The development methodology contains several levels, among which is the method of strategic management of the development of the territorial community as a territorial socio-economic system, a set of processes in the development of the model, as well as applied methods and techniques used in one or another process. As part of the development of the community development model, in practice, the strategic management method is applied through a logically consistent sequence of processes. The model describes a system of strategic and operational goals, the achievement of which should lead to a strategic vision of the city's development. Tasks are defined as separate programs for each strategic direction, which may consist of local development projects, within which realistic goals, specific measures, potential executors and financial resources necessary for the implementation of the model are provided. The application of the model will allow to create a complete and effective system aimed at building a competitive tourist product and ensuring, on this basis, the comprehensive development of the territorial community of the city, its socio-economic growth under the condition of rational use and preservation of ecological balance, historical and cultural heritage, recreational resources, etc. Effective use of the city's tourist and recreational potential can become one of the main sources of filling the territory's budget, increasing the level of employment of the population and ensuring the growth of its income. The implementation of the model assumes that within the framework of a strategic partnership of government, community and business, everyone will be able to find their interests.


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How to Cite
Onyshchuk, N., & Korzh, N. (2022). FORMATION OF THE CITY OF VINNITSA AS A TOURIST DESTINATION: STRATEGIC GOALS, TASKS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1 (5), 65-71.