Keywords: expert assessments, modeling, unclear relationship, personalization of the tourist product, theory of fuzzy sets, tourist product, membership function


The article examines the problems that arise in terms of personalization of the tourist product and the need to choose it taking into account the needs of each client. A toolkit for modeling the management decision regarding the choice of the "best" tourist product among a set of alternatives has been built, which is based on the use of the apparatus of the theory of fuzzy sets. A list of the most important criteria was formed to evaluate alternative options of the tourist product: cognitive attractiveness factor; coefficient of quality of accommodation services; coefficient of quality of transport services; food quality factor; coefficient of quality of excursion service; coefficient of conformity of the price to the quality of the tourist product. Since the evaluation criteria contain subjective, qualitative characteristics, the apparatus of the theory of fuzzy sets and the concept of a fuzzy relationship are used to model the management decision. At the same time, the characteristics of each tourist product according to the selected criteria are presented in the form of expert evaluations provided by several experts. Matrices of relationships containing relevant expert assessments are formed using Harrington's verbal-numerical scale. Based on the constructed relationships, a summary matrix of expert evaluations and fuzzy sets for each of the criteria is formed. At the same time, if the evaluation is based on the best value, then the combined ratio operation is used to construct the composite ratio, while if the evaluation is based on the worst value, then the intersection of the ratios is used. On the basis of fuzzy sets for each of the criteria, the membership function of alternative variants of the tour product is formed. The "highest quality" is a tourist product for which the function of belonging has the highest importance. In order to obtain a more accurate assessment of the quality of the tourism product, it is proposed to use both approaches - using the combination and intersection of fuzzy relations. In the future, the proposed toolkit can be used for effective management of the quality of a tourist company, which will allow adapting its activities to the needs of the client.


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How to Cite
Ladyk, S., & Bazyliuk, K. (2022). USING THE APPARATUS OF FUZZY SET THEORY TO ASSESS THE QUALITY OF A TOURISM PRODUCT. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1 (5), 47-51.