The work provides an analysis of the state of recreational resources of the park-monument of horticultural art of national importance “Park named after Decembrists”, located in the territory of the city of Kamianka in Cherkasy region. The purpose of the research is to actualize the need to solve a complex of issues related to promoting the preservation and restoration of recreational natural resources on the territory of the park-monument of garden and park art named after Decembrists in the city of Kamianka in Cherkasy region to popularize regional tourism at recreational natural reserve territories. To reveal the topic of the study, a review and corresponding analysis of the informative and normative base was carried out on the issues of formation, protection, preservation, use and restoration of recreational natural resources in the territory of the Cherkasy region, in particular in the recreational territories of the natural reserve fund. The data on the natural resource potential of the city of Kamianka and its nature-reserved territories (hereafter - NRT) were processed, first of all, the park-monument of garden and park art of national importance “Park named after Decembrists”, prospects for restoration of natural resources and creation of attractive recreational services. The article proves that the recreational resources of the natural landscape areas in the city of Kamianka in Cherkasy region have a sufficiently powerful potential to create appropriate recreational areas and provide recreational services to both local residents and guests of the city. The article summarizes the arguments regarding the importance of restoring recreational areas as a promising direction for the tourism development. According to the results of the study on the example of recreational resources of the Park named after Decembrists the conclusions were made regarding the importance of preservation and restoration of recreational areas both at the local and national level, and the support of a promising direction in tourism - the creation and provision of recreational services. The important role of scientists in solving issues of fundamental and applied research of recreational resources, creation of relevant informative bases in the field of handling recreational resources both at the local and national level is emphasized. The article proves that it would be important for the relevant authorities, the Kamianka State Historical and Local History Reserve, which is not indifferent to the preservation of our local history heritage, to contribute to the development of a project to restore the territory of the Park named after Decembrists in the city of Kamianka in Cherkasy region, the coast and the bed of the Tyasmin Canyon, taking into account the need to create a more open space from abandoned infrastructure objects that do not have architectural, cultural and artistic value, and to arrange a natural and architectural landscape in accordance with the needs of the time and under conditions of preservation of natural and historical expediency. The results of the conducted research can be useful for employees of the tourism sector, the service sector as a whole; scientists, teachers and students of higher educational institutions who master the specialties “tourism”, “horticulture and viticulture”, “horticulture”, “ecology”, etc.
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