The article researches the development of theoretical and methodological provisions and practical recommendations regarding the restaurant business as a specific branch of the national economy. It was determined that, from the point of view of society, its greatest asset and resource is the country's healthy population, so it was analyzed how nutrition affects school and preschool children. As a result, it was established that the problem of obesity in children arises due to improper nutrition. Therefore, the reasons that contribute to this were identified: the increase in the consumption of foods with high energy density and high fat content, as well as a decrease in physical activity due to the increasingly sedentary nature of many types of activities, a change in the ways of movement and growing urbanization. The place and role of nutrition in social development, as well as directions for stimulating the organizational and socio-economic development of the restaurant industry, were schematically presented. The measures that contribute to the development of the restaurant business are disclosed, in particular: it is necessary to establish new norms for the physiological needs of the population; determine the requirements for the list of products and dishes that can be sold in schools; monitor compliance with requirements; promote a healthy lifestyle and food in secondary schools, namely the introduction of a culture of healthy eating; conduct activities that would form schoolchildren a balanced attitude to their health and nutrition; to modernize the existing food units in schools by replacing energy-consuming and multifunctional equipment with modern, economical ones. It was also determined that ensuring food safety is an important area of stimulating the development of the restaurant industry. It was also proposed to improve the system of training chefs as future specialists in the restaurant industry: work online and find professional information in English; find at least the world achievements of 15 world stars; to study the system of supply and production of products; learn to artistically combine colors and shapes; train them at advanced enterprises. As a result of the research that was carried out in the article, it was established that the identified directions of changes in the system of training professional chefs are relevant and require rapid implementation.
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