• Valentina Zhukova Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University
  • Vira Tarasenko Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University
Keywords: flour, pumpkin seeds, Milk cake, recipe, baking


The article develops a rational recipe composition and technology for the preparation of functional dairy cakes enriched with pumpkin seed flour, the quality of finished products is assessed. It is shown that the correction of traditional recipes of products of mass demand and daily nutrition in accordance with the nutritional needs of the population is one of the most relevant in the context of a healthy lifestyle. Local plant raw materials with preventive and functional properties are analyzed. It has been suggested that a part of wheat flour should be replaced in the recipe by pumpkin seed flour with a higher content of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, macro- and microelements. The relevance of scientific research is to solve the important problem of purposeful search for cheap local plant ingredients with high physiological activity and selection of their optimal dosage in recipes to increase biological and nutritional value, as well as taste properties of finished products. The aim of the research was to improve the technology of preparation of dairy cakes of high biological value with the use of non-traditional raw materials, as well as to study changes in the quality indicators of finished cakes. In the course of research, the dependence of the mass fraction of moisture of the finished cakes on the dosage of pumpkin flour was determined. It is established that at replacement of 5–20 % of wheat flour on pumpkin humidity of products changes insignificantly and remains within norm. The degree of baking of cakes was determined by the difference in weight of the product before and after baking. It was found that with increasing the dose of pumpkin seed flour, the baking rate decreases. It is determined that at a content of 15 % and above of pumpkin flour in the recipe of the cake have a pronounced taste and smell of pumpkin seeds. Organoleptic analysis showed that the optimal amount of pumpkin flour in dairy cakes is 10 %. Experimental samples have a well-developed porosity, pleasant, sweet taste, with a slight tinge of pumpkin seeds. The results of the study may be useful for manufacturers of functional foods.


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How to Cite
Zhukova, V., & Tarasenko, V. (2021). IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF CONFECTIONERY WITH THE USE OF NON-TRADITIONAL RAW MATERIALS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1-2 (3-4), 44-50.