The restaurant business in modern business conditions is characterized by a high level of saturation and competition, which requires its owners to find new means of ensuring and maintaining competitive positions in the market. The use of franchising as a form of the restaurant business is becoming more and more popular. The implementation of franchise relations has its advantages and disadvantages, but the intensity of its implementation in various areas of entrepreneurship leads to its expediency and effectiveness. In this article, we consider the implementation of franchise relations through the prism of an investment project regarding the opening and development of a restaurant establishment, since by purchasing a franchise, the franchisee acts as an investor in this business project. Questions regarding methodical approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of implementing a franchise investment project are gaining particular relevance. The purpose of writing this article is to study and generalize the existing methodical approaches to assessing the effectiveness of franchising in the restaurant business. In writing this study, the scientific works of domestic and foreign researchers were processed, paying special attention to the methodical aspects of assessing the effectiveness of conducting and implementing franchising in the field of restaurant business. Based on the generalization of the existing methodical approaches, we have highlighted the main methods used to assess the acceptability (feasibility) of investing funds. It has been established that in the conditions of a changing external environment, the most expedient, in addition to the assessment of the main financial and economic performance indicators, is the use of methods based on discounted estimates. We have also determined that the majority of scientists suggest applying an integrated approach to determining the effectiveness of investment projects for the implementation of a franchise business. This approach takes into account all the advantages and disadvantages of the existing methods of evaluating the effectiveness of projects, and also allows taking into account the influence of the sphere and specifics of the economic activity of the implementation of franchise relations.
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