Labor resources as a component of the economic potential of a hotel enterprise include intellectual potential, organizational and managerial potential, the level of qualification of employees, the ability to think creatively, and informational potential. The efficiency of their use and management ensures uninterrupted functioning of institutions. The provision of quality services and a high level of service depends on qualified and motivated personnel who perform their functions as part of an integrated system. Qualitative and quantitative personnel indicators reflect the level of successful and effective functioning of the enterprise on the market in order to achieve its goals. However, under the influence of external factors, cyclical unemployment occurs, the supply of labor resources has a motley character, which is caused by economic, epidemiological and political crisis phenomena. The article conducts research on the dynamics of indicators of employed and hired workers, the average number of full-time employees and personnel costs, in particular for wages and social benefits. These indicators reflect not only the level of supply of labor resources, but also the level of economic potential, the efficiency of its use, and the success of the hotel business. The dynamics of the main quantitative indicators of labor resources in the country as a whole and by regions were analyzed. It was established that a significant decrease in the studied indicators occurred under the influence of the invasion of the aggressor country on the territory of the eastern part of Ukraine and the annexation of the Crimean peninsula, the beginning of a full-scale war on the territory of the country, which led to an unstable economic situation in the country. It should also be noted the episodic suspension of hotel business during the global epidemiological crisis, which left a negative impression on the quantitative indicators of labor resources. However, it is advisable to note that a period of stabilization and adaptation to influencing factors can be observed, and accordingly, an increase in the dynamics of indicators, which characterizes the improvement of the state of the economic potential of the enterprise and the economic state of the country.
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