In connection with the wide use of phosphates and their derivatives in the food industry, the determination of their concentrations is of particular importance. However, their excessive consumption, which affects the body's homeostasis, can lead to phosphate toxicity, such as mineral and bone disorders associated with chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular catastrophes. Problems with the use of (poly)phosphates relate to both analytical and legislative issues, such as: (1) their direct detection; (2) excessive addition, which alters the perception of freshness and misleads consumers; (3) uncontrolled consumption, which increases the weight of food products; (4) use in products where they are not permitted; and (5) lack of labeling. Rapid analysis for condensed phosphates is needed to detect illegal adulteration of processed products such as fish and processed seafood, meat and dairy products. Analysis of objects containing phosphorus is carried out by spectroscopic methods, in particular, spectrophotometry. They have high selectivity, are convenient to use, and give accurate results. However, the determination of phosphates in the presence of some multi-charged ions, such as tungsten, titanium, chromium, etc., can give false results. The aim of the work was to increase the sensitivity and selectivity of the method of spectrophotometric determination of phosphorus using a number of different phosphorus ligands for the quantitative determination of a wide range of (poly)phosphate anions in various food products. An analytical method using spectrometry was optimized for rapid and selective detection of condensed phosphates in various types of food products based on the use of heteropolycomplexes for the implementation of the amplification reaction, which increases the sensitivity of determination in spectrophotometry, atomic absorption analysis and other methods. This analytical procedure is proposed to be applied for quantitative determination in a wide range for the profiling of (poly)phosphate anions in different food products to obtain more comprehensive information about the presence of the additive at the trace level. This method can be proposed to the authorized institutions as a validated method with high sensitivity, selectivity and reproducibility compared to existing ones, to support the detection of illegal food adulteration with (poly)phosphates.
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