Keywords: excursion, Kamianka, Decembrists park, garden and park landscape, tourist attraction, Cherkasy region


The paper presents historical facts about the town of Kamianka in Cherkasy region, famous historical figures that lived in this area and their guests ‒ world famous and respected. The analysis of natural resources and objects in the territory of the Decembrists Park is given, their tourist attractiveness for the organization and carrying out of excursions for tourists and wide sections of the population of Ukraine and visitors from other countries of the world is proved. The purpose of the study is to analyze tourist resources and determine a strategy to increase the tourist attractiveness of the Decembrists Park in Kamianka. Analytical, statistical methods, comparison methods, etc. were used during the research. The article proves that the tourist potential of the Decembrists Park in Kamianka in Cherkasy region meets the requirements for its tourist importance at the global level and motivates to create appropriate programs for its preservation and improvement of tourist potential at the level of local government agencies, the state as a whole, and internationally. The article summarizes the arguments on the issue of defining appropriate indicators for the development of a strategy to increase the level of tourist attractiveness of the Decembrist Park in Kamianka. According to the results of the research, it was concluded that garden and park landscapes are not only the decoration of the respective territories, but have natural, social, historical and cultural significance for the development of communities; contribute to the promotion of tourist and sightseeing facilities; motivate to preserve the natural, historical and cultural heritage of the region. The results of the study can be useful for workers in the field of tourism and services; scientists, teachers, students of higher educational institutions who master the specialty "Tourism", as well as for employees of museums, historical and local lore reserves, cultural and architectural institutions; local governments and state institutions of culture, art, etc.


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How to Cite
Bieliaieva, S., & Herman, I. (2021). ANALYSIS OF TOURIST ATTRACTIVENESS AND DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE OF THE DECEMBRISTS PARK IN KAMIANKA. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1-2 (3-4), 34-43.