Keywords: national nature park, nature reserve fund, sustainable development of tourism, tourism excursion services


The problems of sustainable development of tourism in the territories of nature reserve fund of Ukraine are considered. The purpose of the article is to identify problems concerning the implementation of tourism activities in the territories and objects of the nature reserve fund, as well as possible ways to improve the quality of tourism excursion services. The conducted research shows that national nature parks under present conditions have a number of problems, the solution of which can provide a significant improvement in the quality and efficiency of their functioning. The scientific novelty of the research results is to identify possible ways to improve the quality of excursion services based on the improvement of legal, organizational and economic measures in the context of the concept of sustainable development: the main directions of increasing the sustainable development of tourism in nature reserves, in particular, in national nature parks is identified; the expediency of creation of a research and educational center of tourism development in nature-protected territories of Donetsk region on the basis of the Holy Mountains National Nature Park is substantiated; the complex of advertising-image, economic, social and educational, scientific-methodical, scientific-organizational tasks which such specialized center should perform is considered; proposals for improving the legal, organizational and economic support for tourism and recreation development in the territories of national nature parks in the context of the concept of sustainable development have been developed. The implementation of the developed proposals necessitates further substantiation of scientific and methodological support for the development of tourist excursion and other types of services in the territories of the nature reserve fund. The solving of this problem will allow to direct a part of the profits from the provision of tourism and other services to restore and develop local natural resources and infrastructure, to provide jobs for the population both in the services and related industries, to obtain additional income in the budgets of all levels.


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How to Cite
Konishcheva, N., & Tkachova, S. (2020). WAYS OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE TERRITORIES OF NATIONAL NATURAL PARKS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (2), 23-34. https://doi.org/10.24025/2708-4949.2.2020.213035