Keywords: salary, personnel, crisis, managers, enterprise, stimulation, restaurant business, labor, management


In the context of the crisis and certain uncertainty caused by the war and the consequences of previous quarantine restrictions, old methods of motivation and incentives in Ukraine may be ineffective, which necessitates fundamental changes in the labor relations system, as well as the need for each restaurant manager to review motivational mechanisms, types and tools for incentivizing employees and identify adequate tools for influencing employees, methods and forms of their incentives, which is why the study is relevant. The purpose of the article is to summarize the conceptual component of conceptual approaches to the theoretical provisions of managing the material incentives of employees of restaurant business establishments in modern economic conditions. To analyze the existing theoretical framework for managing the material incentives of employees of restaurant business establishments, attention is focused on conceptual approaches to those theoretical provisions that comprehensively cover this issue on the basis of fundamental knowledge, principles and basic concepts. In order to reveal the subject of scientific research, the article uses such methods as analysis and synthesis, systematization and comparison, classification. It is proved that effective motivation in a restaurant business establishment is associated with constant and continuous work on researching the needs of restaurant employees and observing their behavior during work, taking into account their life situations and needs at the personal and professional level. Scientific research in the field of adaptive and motivational management is generalized. Attention is focused on such a characteristic of human capital development management of an organization as a system of harmonization of mutual influences of management subjects and personnel on the basis of establishing partnerships, interactive interaction, self-management and self-organization through the development and implementation of flexible motivational and stimulating models of labor activity of employees. The author proves the importance of applying an indicative approach to the choice of methods of management of restaurant business employees and the introduction of effective methods and forms of their incentives during martial law in Ukraine and in the post-war period. The scientific novelty of the study is to generalize the essential features of the conceptual component of conceptual approaches to the theoretical provisions of management of material incentives for employees of restaurant business enterprises in modern economic conditions on the example of restaurant business establishments in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Chepurda, L., & Herman, I. (2025). CONCEPTUAL BASES OF MANAGEMENT OF MATERIAL INCENTIVES FOR EMPLOYEES OF RESTAURANT BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS IN UKRAINE. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1 (15), 84-91.