Innovative strategy for the development of catering establishments based on the concept of Pet-therapy, which combines interaction with animals and the provision of gastronomic services, are considered. The purpose of the article is to form an innovative strategy based on the conceptual approach of Pet-therapy in a catering establishment for competitive advantages in the hospitality industry market. The prospects for the implementation of such strategies in Ukraine are studied, taking into account modern challenges associated with the increase in the level of stress in society. Pet-therapy helps reduce stress levels, improve the psycho-emotional state of clients, increase their loyalty and form a culture of humane attitude towards animals. The results of the study showed that such establishments can become an important social tool for the emotional recovery of the population, especially in the war and post-war period. An anti-stress cafe can combine areas for recreation with animals, interactive areas, educational events and lectures on animal care. The key features of implementing an innovative strategy in the activities of anti-stress cafes with animals are considered, which include a therapeutic effect, social responsibility, a flexible format of the institution, targeting the target audience, and marketing strategy. A scheme of an innovative strategy for developing a cafe based on the Pet Therapy concept has been developed, which combines emotional comfort in a catering establishment, modern trends, and animal care, providing competitive advantages in the market. The implementation of partnerships with animal shelters, educational events, and the integration of digital technologies, including mobile applications, significantly increases the effectiveness of such innovative projects. Innovative anti-stress cafes become competitive in the market, providing not only high-quality food services, but also social responsibility. Popular anti-stress cafes with animals in the world and in Ukraine are considered. It has been proven that Pet Therapy in catering establishments opens up new prospects for the development of the hospitality industry, harmoniously combining elements of therapy, gastronomic service and social support. The possibility of expanding the concept to include not only cats, but also other species of animals has been considered, which allows creating a unique experience for different target audiences.
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