Keywords: automation, adaptation, innovation, fundamental solutions, restaurant business, restaurant, modern technologies, management


Thanks to the introduction of modern technological solutions and the search for unique ideas in compliance with the fundamental principles of business activity in restaurants and other establishments in the food, entertainment, and tourism services sector, conditions are created for adapting to changing consumer needs, and requirements are put forward to ensure the quality of services for both the mass consumer market and individual customer needs. The purpose of the article is to characterize the basic principles and features of the requirements for the technological design of restaurant business establishments in modern economic conditions. Using the example of foreign and Ukrainian restaurant business enterprises, the situation regarding the definition and observance of the basic principles and requirements for the technological design of restaurant business establishments is investigated. According to the results of the study, the author emphasizes the generally recognized and priority requirements for the technological design of restaurant business establishments in times of crisis and uncertainty. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the conditions that should be taken into account during martial law in Ukraine and have prospects for widespread implementation in the activities of restaurant business establishments in the post-war period. It is proved that project management can be successful if not only tactical but also strategic plans are defined. The importance of taking into account the key factors of increasing efficiency in the hospitality sector and, in particular, restaurant enterprises in Ukraine through the intensification of service process automation is emphasized. The principles of systematization, innovation, optimization, complexity, rationality, environmental friendliness, mutual acceptability, professionalism, collective interest, and individual approach to the client are highlighted among the principles for determining project plans for use in restaurants and their effective functioning in modern business conditions. It is emphasized that at the level of each individual project for each enterprise, the formalized and efficient operation of business processes in their entirety and complex interconnection at all stages (stages) of project decisions should be clearly established.


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How to Cite
Ivashyna, L., Byshovets, L., & Kurakin, O. (2025). BASIC PRINCIPLES AND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE TECHNOLOGICAL DESIGN OF RESTAURANT FACILITIES. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1 (15), 51-57.