Keywords: black cumin oil, linseed oil, hemp oil, blend, oxidative stability


The problem of using one type of vegetable oil is the imbalance of its composition, which leads to an excess of a certain type of fatty acids entering the body. This can lead to metabolic disorders and deterioration of the general condition of the body. An effective way to obtain a balanced composition of vegetable oil is to blend it. The use of traditional and niche oils of Ukrainian production is relevant. Linseed and hemp oils were used as niche oils. Hemp oil, despite the high content of α-linolenic acid, is characterized by high oxidative stability due to the presence of natural antioxidants: tocopherols and chlorophyll. The oxidative stability of blends was increased by introducing black cumin oil in an amount of 5%, which does not worsen the organoleptic characteristics. The increased interest in black cumin oil is associated with its antioxidant, cytostatic, antibacterial, antimicrobial, including food pathogens, and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it possible to use it as a natural preservative and for the creation of health food products. The composition of three-component blends was calculated and the change in their organoleptic characteristics in relation to the degree of oil purification was analyzed. Blends with unrefined and refined corn oil as the main component are characterized by a neutral oily taste and smell, which allows using such blends as an independent dressing and as components of sauces and dressings. The oxidative stability of the blends was studied for two months based on the calculation of the acid number (AN) and peroxide number (PN). The AN value for all blends was in the range of 1.2−1.6 mgKOH/g throughout the study. An increase in PC was observed by 1.36-5.29 times. The decrease in oxidative stability significantly depends on the content of α-linolenic acid and the presence of antioxidants and has the lowest value for blends with linseed oil. Black cumin oil increases the oxidative stability of all studied blends and affects the synergistic effect of natural antioxidants.


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How to Cite
Svishchova, Y., Khimenko, N., & Romanova, T. (2025). ANTIOXIDANT EFFECT OF BLACK CUMIN OIL ON THE OXIDATIVE STABILITY OF FLAX AND HEMP OIL MIX. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1 (15), 33-40.