In the current climate, ensuring Ukrainian military personnel receive comprehensive nutrition with high biological value is of paramount strategic importance. Conventional meat products often fail to meet the demands of field nutrition and the standards of modern healthy diets, particularly concerning the increasing need for protein. Employing alternative protein sources and optimizing the formulation of meat products presents a viable avenue for addressing this challenge. This study details the development of an innovative formulation for "Military" cooked sausage, incorporating Helix pomatia snails and protein isolate derived from pumpkin seed meal. This approach enhances the nutritional value of the product while promoting the sustainable utilization of food production byproducts. Snail meat offers a valuable source of complete protein, vitamins, and micronutrients, coupled with a low-fat content. Pumpkin seed protein isolate serves as a concentrated source of plant-based protein, abundant in essential amino acids. Through mathematical modeling, an optimal ratio of 18 g of snail meat and 4.5 g of pumpkin seed protein isolate per 100 g of sausage was established. This ratio ensures superior organoleptic and physicochemical properties. Organoleptic assessment confirmed the excellent taste profile of the "Military" sausage. Physicochemical analyses revealed that the newly developed formulation improves the functional and technological characteristics of the sausage meat. The water-holding capacity (WHC) of the "Military" sausage is 74.2%, surpassing the control by 0.8%. Similarly, the fat-holding capacity (FHC) exceeds the control by 2.8%, reaching 73.8%. The inclusion of pumpkin seed protein isolate enhances the stability and consistency of the meat matrix. The findings of this research provide a scientific basis for the production technology of the "Military" cooked sausage. The process involves incorporating Helix pomatia snails and fortifying the product with protein isolate from pumpkin seed meal. This innovation will contribute to a broader range of meat products with enhanced nutritional profiles for military personnel in Ukraine. Future research will focus on evaluating safety parameters, shelf-life stability, and the potential integration of other alternative protein sources. This development represents a significant advancement in providing the Ukrainian military with high-quality food products, ultimately contributing to their operational effectiveness and overall well-being.
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