Modern society is the most inclined among all generations to introduce a healthy lifestyle, the key point of which is nutrition. Its correct organization and components are important components that affect a person's appearance, his physical condition and lead to the desired longevity. The key component of this paradigm is the use of natural fermented milk products and food of plant origin in nutrition. This posed new challenges to the food industry, aimed at the introduction of plant raw materials into the production of fermented milk products. However, the change in components also affects the production technology. After all, unlike artificial flavorings, which do not critically affect the physical and chemical features of the sour-milk base, the introduction of natural additives based on berry raw materials changes the texture, shelf life, taste and color. This provokes the search for new technologies, methods through conducting experiments. On the basis of already conducted research by other scientists, the article defines the place of fermented milk products in the food line, the benefits of using dairy products, their nutrition, composition are studied. The types of fermented milk products are classified according to the method of their fermentation, the type of fermentation, which is related to the bacteria used. The key stages of the production process are highlighted, attention is paid to the effect of berry additives on the organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological properties of the product. The main features of the process of using berry raw materials in the production of fermented milk products have been studied. The scientific novelty of the article consists in systematizing the conclusions of various studies and highlighting the features of the technological process of manufacturing fermented sour-milk products with the addition of berry processing products. The results of the research can be used to improve the production technologies of fermented milk products in order to create new functional food products that meet modern consumer requirements for quality and health benefits.
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