Keywords: high-frequency radiation, food industry, ecosystem, ecology


The purpose of the article is to identify aspects of the environmental impact of the use of high-frequency radiation in the food industry. The article analyzes the systems of control over the quality and safety of products on the global market and the Ukrainian market in particular. It was found that the most common control systems are HARPS (Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls) and GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative). In addition, it was found that in the Ukrainian food market as of 2018 there is a process of implementation of HARPS norms, but without mandatory certification. The absence of systems and norms that would regulate the safety for the ecosystem of the use of certain technologies in the food industry was revealed. The article discusses the environmental consequences of using high-frequency radiation (HFR) in the food industry. The impact of such technologies on product quality, reduction of chemical additives, improvement of food storage conditions and food safety is described. The author's contribution of the researcher consists in an effort to reveal the impact of HF radiation on the Earth's ecosystem through the view of technology as a type of electromagnetic radiation. The novelty of the study is contained in the described consequences of the use of HF radiation. The application of an integrated approach to the analysis and assessment of environmental effects associated with production processes and consumer patterns allowed us to draw a conclusion about the ambiguous safety of using HF radiation in the food industry. In particular, through the prism of electromagnetic radiation, if certain factors are present, the influence of HF radiation can cause significant damage to the environment. However, the low probability of the coincidence of these factors gives examples of a positive impact on the environment, in particular, the reduction of chemical and thermal emissions into the atmosphere and the saving of non-renewable natural energy sources.


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How to Cite
Hryshchyshyn, V. (2024). ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF THE APPLICATION OF HIGH-FREQUENCY RADIATION IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (4 (14), 5-8. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-4949.4(14).2024.1