Keywords: hotel and restaurant services, accommodation facilities, hospitality industry, international tourism, competition, tourism development, service sector, travel agencies


The article systematises the theoretical framework and methodological developments related to modern trends in tourism and hotel and restaurant business in the international service market. The market of hotel and restaurant services as an important segment of tourism services is analyzed. The article is aimed at reviewing and summarising the main directions of development of tourism and hotel and restaurant services at the international level, taking into account the challenges of our time. On the example of tourism enterprises the article studies methods and forms of organisation of hotel and restaurant services and provides examples of experience of their activity in the international aspect. In order to disclose the topic of the scientific research on identifying trends in tourism and hotel and restaurant business in the international services market, analytical research was carried out and priority issues for study were identified in the context of globalisation processes in the world, digitalisation of economic and communication activities in society, competition, and external and internal factors influencing the development of tourism. Statistical and analytical methods, methods of comparison, etc. were used. The article summarises the experience of international tourism organisations and international hotel chains in terms of priority areas for the development of tourism and hotel and restaurant services over the past few years. Modern methods of scientific research are used to identify crisis phenomena and problematic issues in a number of institutions engaged in economic activities in the hospitality industry. The article conducts a comparative analysis of financial and economic indicators of economic activity in the tourism industry, focuses on the dynamics of international tourist flows and reasons for fluctuations in their indicators and efficiency. Examples of specialisation in different countries of the world in terms of forms and types of tourism services are given. The article focuses on the importance of digitalisation of the tourism industry, intensification of forms and methods of informatisation at various levels of organisation and provision of tourism, hotel and restaurant services. The results of the study may be interesting and useful for employees of the tourism sector, hotel and restaurant business, and the service sector in general; researchers, teachers, students of higher education institutions, who study, in particular, the specialities "Tourism" and "Hotel and Restaurant Business".


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How to Cite
Chepurda, H., Starynets, O., & Shestel, O. (2024). TRENDS IN TOURISM AND HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS IN THE INTERNATIONAL SERVICE MARKET. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (2 (12), 59-67.