Keywords: hotel business, innovative technologies, technological transformation, virtual communities, artificial intelligence, electronic commerce


Modern trends in the development of the hotel industry are of crucial importance for optimizing its economic potential. The emergence of advanced digital technologies in the field of e-commerce and the impact of global events have led to changes in consumer habits, which inevitably requires urgent responses from the hotel and restaurant business. The application of innovative digital solutions, such as virtual and augmented reality, is actively used to improve user experience and marketing strategies. The study is aimed at analyzing the benefits and challenges of implementing digital innovations in the hotel business, as well as developing recommendations for the successful integration of these technologies into the practice of the hotel industry. The authors evaluated modern innovative technologies in the hotel sector, taking into account their advantages and disadvantages, impact on interaction with customers, management of reservations, improvement of service efficiency and overall competitiveness of hotel enterprises. E-commerce platforms create unique opportunities to increase the visibility and engagement of hospitality customers at every stage of their interaction, which promotes the growth of the hospitality business. This is especially valuable because such platforms operate 24 hours a day, allowing you to book even at night. Analysis of the latest trends and challenges in e-commerce for the hospitality business is critical for enterprises in this industry, which strive not only to adapt to changes, but also to successfully use new opportunities to improve their competitiveness and provide high-quality services to customers. In the context of the information economy, the service market actively integrates various innovations, which contributes to the development of the hospitality industry and strengthening its competitive advantages. Digital innovations enable hotel businesses to respond effectively to the individual needs of customers, making their experience more personalized and successful. Overall success in this field requires flexibility and a willingness to adapt to rapidly changing technological and market trends.


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How to Cite
Volyanyk, H., Kolinko, N., & Shutka, S. (2024). INNOVATIVE DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES OF ELECTRONIC BUSINESS IN THE HOTEL INDUSTRY. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (2 (12), 28-33.