Keywords: fruit flavour, cherry fruit, variety, titratable acids, sugars, dry soluble solids, principal component analysis, weather factor, least squares method, variation in fruit quality indicators


Fresh cherries are a source of vitamins, sugars, organic acids, biologically active substances and trace elements. Its processed products are also in demand. The formation of the fund of biochemical components responsible for the taste properties of the fruit depends on abiotic factors, namely weather factors. The results of studies on the accumulation of dry soluble substances, sugars and titrated acids in the fruits of cherries of 10 studied varieties in the southern steppe zone of Ukraine are presented. According to the content of quality indicators, the varieties “Modnytsia” (dry soluble solids content - 17.05%), “Ozhydaniie” (sugar content - 11.69%) and “Solidarnist” (titratable acids content - 1.79%) were distinguished. The fruits of the “Melitopolska purpurna” and “Modnytsia” cherry varieties have the highest sugar-acid index in the range of 8.9-9.3 units. During the experiment, the expediency of predicting the content of the studied components of the chemical composition in cherry fruits by average values was determined. The results of the two-factor analysis of variance confirmed the dominant influence of weather conditions of the years of research on the formation of fruit taste. It is proposed to predict the taste qualities of cherry fruits by the average varietal value. A medium and strong correlation between the influences of 19 weather factors on the content of the studied biochemical parameters in cherry fruits was determined. The use of principal component and least squares methods allowed us to build models of the dependence of the accumulation of dry soluble substances, sugars and titratable acids on weather factors. For the studied biochemical quality indicators, the weather indicators with the maximum proportions of influence were identified. Namely: the maximum influence on the accumulation of dry soluble substances in cherry fruits was the average monthly air temperature in June (∆=9.9%); on the sugar content - the average monthly precipitation in June (∆=8.5%); on the titratable acid content - the total number of days with precipitation in June (∆=18.62%). The greatest influence on the accumulation of the studied biochemical parameters in cherry fruits was exerted by the humidity indicators in the phase of the end of flowering to fruit ripening and the last month of fruit formation (June).


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Viljevac Vuletić M., Dugalić K., Mihaljević I., Tomaš V., Vuković D., Zdunić Z., … Jurković Z. (2017) Season, location and cultivar influence on bioactive compounds of sour cherry fruits. Plant Soil Environ, no. 63 (9), pp. 389–395. DOI:

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How to Cite
Ivanova, I., Serdyuk, M., Malkina, V., Kolisnychenko, T., Kryvonos, I., & Ivashyna, L. (2024). FORMATION OF TASTE QUALITIES OF CHERRY FRUIT UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ABIOTIC FACTORS IN THE SOUTHERN STEPPE ZONE OF UKRAINE. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (2 (12), 5-16.