• Oleh Boratynskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture
  • Mariia Paska Lviv State University of Physical Culture
  • Liliya Svyshch Lviv State University of Physical Culture
Keywords: restaurant business, tourists, authentic cuisine, ingredients, dishes, cooking technology


The formation of gastronomic brands in Ukraine should be based on the cultural differences of the regions that have developed historically, and which is considered as a competitive advantage that must be used. Local cuisine can be considered as a tourist resource of the territories, which allows to create new tourist products, open new faces of the tourist destination. The creation of a new tourist product is associated with the development of new segments of the tourist market, attracting new types of resources to the tourist market. In this regard, the development of specific types of tourism, in particular, ethno-gastronomic tourism, which aims to revive historical facts, analyze the component composition, and research the technologies of preparing authentic regional dishes, which will form the basis of the trip, is promising in this regard. After all, the trends of the modern tourist market demonstrate the growing interest among consumers in precisely such types of recreation. Taking into account the current trends in the development of the ethnic industry, the popularization of authentic dishes, in particular Hutsul cuisine, which will contain the novelty of relevant issues at the regional level, is insufficient. The article examines the historical aspects of the formation of an authentic dish – banosh, as a regional segment of ethno-gastronomic tourism, in particular, taking into account local products. An analysis of modern restaurant establishments, where banosh is prepared according to certain technologies, was carried out, the component composition of banosh was determined according to the menu of certain restaurant establishments: "Hungry Mykola", "Bachevsky" Restaurant, Kumpel' Group Network, "Sim Porosyat" Restaurant-Museum. The menu was analyzed and the type of banosh was singled out, for further recommendation of the tourist route. The results of the conducted research allow us to draw a conclusion about the main principles of the development of restaurant establishments, which are focused on the popularization of authentic dishes, which consist in the revival of the component composition and restoration of the technology of preparing authentic dishes, and the prospect of creating future tourist ethno-gastronomic routes.


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How to Cite
Boratynskyi, O., Paska, M., & Svyshch, L. (2023). BANOSH IS AN AUTHENTIC DISH AS A REGIONAL SEGMENT OF ETHNO-GASTRONOMIC TOURISM. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (4 (10), 5-8.